Friday, July 8, 2016

PILAT Week + Brussels

Week 2 is wrapping up and what a week it was! PILAT week is language training for the missionaries and is an intense week of learning other languages, learning other sounds, and practicing, practicing, practicing! Many of them have to learn other language for their field, which is obviously challenging, and they need the extra time to work. Which means us interns get to hang out with awesome kids for a few extra hours! :) ($5 to anyone who can guess what PILAT stands for! :))

Since we watched the kids in the mornings and afternoons I wasn't able to travel, but there was still much to do! Last Saturday, Meg, Abi, and I went into downtown Brussels for the day to explore, shop, and eat waffles. The weather was gorgeous, and I really like the city of Brussels. The people are kind and friendly, and the architecture is amazing! It's hard to capture in a picture, but here are a few pictures of the Grand Place.

I love experiencing Belgian culture... especially Belgian food. The waffles were no joke and I had mine with strawberries and cream. It was SO good!

Sunday was our first day at our home church for the month and I loved it. The service was almost completely in French, which was beautiful and a great experience. The congregation was very welcoming, and people tried their hardest to speak conversational English. I loved meeting everyone and I am looking forward to getting to know them better over the next few weeks!

Kids, kids, kids!!! We got to spend lots of extra time with the kiddos this week and it was great! They are sweet kids, and it has been such a joy to spend time with them and love on them. Since I am in the baby room, I spend most of my time with them, and I have absolutely loved it.

On Thursday night my church group had a prayer meeting at our church in Brussels, and it was a  really incredible experience! We got to pray with and for each other, people in the church, the city of Brussels, and I really loved it. It was beautiful because it was a testament to how God can work through language barriers and it was a picture of the global church- all in one room.

Today is Friday which means some down time, reading, journaling, and then an intern dinner tonight on the town. This week has been long, but fulfilling. There is still a lot to process, and think about, but I am continually so thankful for this opportunity, and for the people that have made it so amazing. And there's so much more to come! 

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